miércoles, 7 de marzo de 2012

La ubicación: preposiciones y adverbios de lugar

Para hablar de la ubicación (location), necesitas preposiciones (prepositions) y adverbios (adverbs) de lugar (place, location).

Algunas (some) preposiciones de lugar son:

BAJO (under)
El libro está bajo la mesa (The book is under the table).

EN (in)
Los alumnos están en la clase (The students are in the classroom).

ENTRE (between)
Su casa está entre un cine y una farmacia (His/her house is between a cinema and a pharmacy).

SOBRE (on)
El gato está sobre la cama (The cat is on the bed).

Algunos (some) adverbios de lugar son:

AQUÍ / ACÁ (here)
AHÍ (there)
ALLÍ / ALLÁ (there: far away)

CERCA (close), cerca de (close to)
LEJOS (far away), lejos de (far from)

ARRIBA  (upstairs)
ABAJO (downstairs)

ADENTRO (inside), dentro de (inside the)
AFUERA (outside), fuera de (outside the)

ENCIMA (on top), encima de (on top of)
DEBAJO (underneath), debajo de (underneath the)

DELANTE (at the front), delante de (in front of)
ENFRENTE (at the front), enfrente de (in front of)
DETRÁS (behind), detrás de (behind the)

AL LADO (beside), al lado de (beside the)
JUNTO A (next to)
A LA DERECHA (to the right), a la derecha de (to the right of)
A LA IZQUIERDA (to the left), a la izquierda de (to the left of). 

Here is a tough question (for grammar addicts only): 
What is the difference between a preposition and an adverb?

Prepositions link words together: in the sentence "Estoy en el baño" ("I am in the bathroom"), the preposition "en" links the verb "estoy" with the complement "el baño".

Adverbs describe either verbs or adjectives. Location adverbs describe verbs and can stand alone: in the sentence "Estoy lejos" ("I am far away"), "lejos" is an adverb that describes the verb "estoy" and stands alone. Some adverbs may accept a preposition to link them with other words: in the sentence "Estoy lejos de mi país" ("I am far from my country") the adverb "lejos" is followed by the preposition "de" which is linking it to "mi país".

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