Me gusta el deporte.
Me gustan los deportes.
El deporte = the sport
Me gusta...
el fútbol / el balompié (football)
el baloncesto (basketball)
el balonmano (handball)
el béisbol (baseball)
el voleibol / el balonvolea (volleyball)
el rugby (rugby)
el crícket (cricket)
el hockey (hockey)
el polo (polo)
el tenis (tennis)
el tenis de mesa / el ping-pong (table tennis)
Un partido de fútbol (a football match) |
The above sports involve matches (partidos), which is why they are considered games (juegos). As such, we "play" them. "To play" in Spanish is "JUGAR". It is an irregular verb in the present tense:
Yo juego (I play)
Tú juegas (you play)
Él/ella juega (he/she plays)
Usted juega (you play: formal)
Nosotros/-as jugamos (we play)
Vosotros/-as jugáis (you all play)
Ellos/-as juegan (they play)
Ustedes juegan (you all play: formal)
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Un equipo (a team) |
Yo juego al* fútbol todos los días.
I play football every day.
También juego al* baloncesto.
I also play basketball.
Me gusta jugar al* tenis.
I like playing tennis (playing tennis is pleasing to me).
*Note: the verb "JUGAR" is often followed by the preposition "A" (in the above examples, the preposition merges with the definite article: A + EL = AL).
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El patinaje artístico o sobre hielo (ice-skating) |
la natación (swimming)
el submarinismo (scuba diving)
el paracaidismo (sky diving)
la gimnasia (gymnastics)
el atletismo (athletics)
el ciclismo (cyclism)
el senderismo (trekking)
el alpinismo (mountain climbing)
la equitación (horse riding)
el esquí (ski)
el patinaje (skating)
The above sports are not games, thus we cannot use the verb to play (JUGAR) to refer to their practice. Instead we will use to practice (PRACTICAR) or to do (HACER). Note that the verb HACER is irregular in the first person of singular (yo) in the present tense:
Yo hago (I do)
Tú haces (you do)
Él/ella hace (he/she does)
Usted hace (you do: formal)
Nosotros/-as hacemos (we do)
Vosotros/-as hacéis (you all do)
Ellos/-as hacen (they do)
Ustedes hacen (you all do: formal)
Practico la natación una vez a la semana.
I practice swimming once a week.
Hago gimnasia cada dos días.
I do gymnastics every two days.
Me gusta hacer ejercicio.
I like exercising.
There are also specific verbs for different sport activities:
Nadar (to swim)
Bucear (to dive)
Correr (to run)
Saltar (to jump)
Caminar / Andar (to walk)
Escalar (to climb)
Montar en bicicleta (to ride a bicycle)
Montar a caballo (to horse ride)
Esquiar (to ski)
Patinar (to skate)
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