El deportista, la deportista* (the sportsman, sportswoman)
El atleta, la atleta (the athlete)
El judador, la jugadora (the player)
El futbolista, la futbolista* (the football player)
El guardameta, la guardameta (the goal keeper)
El tenista, la tenista* (the tennis player)
El ciclista, la ciclista* (the cyclist)
El motorista, la motorista* (the motorist)
El motorista, la motorista* (the motorist)
El nadador, la nadadora (the swimmer)
El surfista, la surfista* (the surfer)
El esquiador, la esquiadora (the skier)
El patinador, la patinadora (the skater)
El jinete, la jinete** (the rider or jockey)
El jinete, la jinete** (the rider or jockey)
El entrenador, la entrenadora (the coach)
El árbitro, la árbitra (the referee)El masajista, la masajista (the masseur, masseuse)
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Rafael Nadal es un tenista español |
*Note 1: professions ending in -ISTA are the same in masculine and feminine.
**Note 2: professions ending in -E are the same in masculine and feminine, with the exception of "la dependienta" (the shopkeeper).
**Note 2: professions ending in -E are the same in masculine and feminine, with the exception of "la dependienta" (the shopkeeper).
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