miércoles, 15 de febrero de 2012

El ABeCeDario

El abecedario (alfabeto) español tiene 27 letras: 22 consonantes y 5 vocales.

Necesitas aprender los nombres de las letras para deletrear (to spell) las palabras.

A - a (pronounced like the "a" in "ask")
B - be  
C - ce (pronounced like the "th" in "think") 
D - de 
E - e (pronounced like the "e" in "elephant") 
F - efe
G - ge (pronounced like a very strong "h" in "hat") 
H - hache (the first "h" is silent, the second "h" transforms the sound of "c" into "ch" as in the word "chin") 
I - i (pronounced like the "i" in "India") 
J - jota (pronounced like a very strong "h" in "hat") 
K - ka
L - ele 
M - eme 
N - ene
Ñ - eñe (pronounced like the "ni" in "onion") 
O - o (pronounced like the "aw" in "saw") 
P - pe
Q - cu
R - erre (pronounced with a big rolling of the tongue) 
S - ese (pronounced like the "s" in "seat") 
T - te
U - u (pronounced like the "oo" in "pool") 
V - uve (pronounced like the "b") 
W - uve doble
X - equis (pronounced "ekis") 
Y - i griega 
Z - zeta (pronounced like the "th" in "think")

En el antiguo (old) alfabeto español hay dos letras más:
CH - che (pronounced like the "ch" in "chin")
LL - elle (pronounced like the "y" in "kayak")

Escucha la canción (song) del abecedario en Youtube:


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