martes, 28 de febrero de 2012

Los números: 21 - 30

21 = veintiuno (veintiún, veintiuna)*
22 = veintidós*
23 = veintitrés*
24 = veinticuatro
25 = veinticinco
26 = veintiséis*
27 = veintisiete
28 = veintinueve
30 = treinta

*Note 1: the numbers 21 (veintiún), 22, 23 and 26 have an accent! That is because they end in -S or -N.

Note 2: as with number one (uno), number 21 (veintiuno) mirrors the gender of the word they describe.


Hay veintiún alumnos en mi clase.
There are 21 students in my class.

Hay veintiuna sillas en la clase.
There are 21 chairs in the class.

Note 3: the numbers from 21 to 29 are just contractions of 20 and the unit ("veinte y uno" becomes "veintiuno", "veinte y dos" becomes "veintidós" and so on).

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